Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fun with Animals

It is Friday Eve & it is hard to believe the week has just flown by!
Beautiful weather this week. If it could only stay like this through October - now that would be super awesome. But, this is Texas & the thermometer will be hitting the 100's before we know it.

Dog is having a good time here stalking a little cotton tail. Bunny is hard to see, but he is under the cement mixer on the left side. It was funny. Dog was ever so slowly creeping forward & bunny could have cared less. Bun Bun knew he was a half hop away from a large escape hatch that Dog would never reach. Besides that, Dog is on a leash! Monday, Dog chased a jack rabbit for about half a mile. The rabbit was long gone, but Dog was still giving chase. He might have had a better shot at it if I hadn't already run him out to the east pasture at full speed. After his 2+ mile run, he was one pooped pup.
Monday, I had a great ride on Ruby with some of my horse back riding ladies. It is so wonderful to ride her. She has a smooth gait & is a sweetheart. Next time they come out, I hope to learn how to give Ruby the command to jump. We'll have to practice that one on the ground before I do that on her back, but I know we'll get it.
I LOVE this picture. Big boy Tracy is talking to one of the little boy calves. I can only imagine their conversation. Tracy is telling the young lad that he too will grow to be a big guy & have his own herd of ladies. It's a big job full of responsibility, but he'll do a great job. So cute!!! I couldn't quite catch it, but they were touching noses at one point. Sorry that I couldn't quite crop the heifer booties out of the shot without loosing the big size difference between Tracy & the calf.

We finally got all the Brahman calves weaned from their mothers yesterday. It must have been well past time because mommas aren't bellering for their babies & the babies aren't bellering for their mommas. I'm very happy about that because if they were hollering for each other, it would most likely be right outside my window!

We'll see how the day goes, fingers crossed, & I might take Ruby for a ride. Should be fun!
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1 comment:

  1. love the pic of my guy Tracy and the little calf- too cute!!!
