Friday, February 25, 2011

Time Flies!!

I was talking to a friend about how is it that we have a rural life, but are so crazy busy. Her response was that rural does not mean sleepy. How true that is!!

WB has been on the look for a 5th-wheel for a while now & we found it last weekend. It will be perfect for our SASS shoots as well as using it as extra guest space out here on the ranch. I'm also wanting to ride in the SaltGrass Trail Ride next year & this will be the perfect home away from home for that week. On Wednesday, we are going to go pick it up & bring it home. Very exciting!!
Between the snow & little bits of rain here & there, we finally have some green on the ground. Val & RV (Val on left & RV on right) are squaring off on each other. They are both Beta bulls & I guess still working out who is higher on the Beta scale! Funny in that I could hold out some range cubes & both of them would stop & politely wait their turns for treats. Those boys are quite silly!
WB surprised me with a new Trapper Model 1873 when I got home from Houston on Monday. I shot it on Tuesday & it is super sweet! Still need to have a little work done on the trigger pull & lighten up the action at bit, but other than that it is perfect! Can't wait to shoot it at a match, but that won't happen until April. We are missing the March match to shoot a demonstration at The Best Little Cowboy Gathering at the Fayette County Fairgrounds that weekend - March 12th if anyone is interested in coming out. Should be a lot of fun - chili cook off, BBQ cook off, music, western artists, horse clinics & more. I hope to get to enjoy some of it. WB is most excited about being able to walk around the gathering with his guns - unloaded, of course. But with guns none the less.
My sweet little Sugar dog had a stroke on Tuesday. I'm still worried about her, but she is improving thanks to my super wonderful Doc. He said he threw the kitchen sink of meds at her. I don't even care what the bill will be because it has all been worth it. She is improving a little more everyday. As long as she has some dignified quality of life, she ain't going no where!! I can't believe that she is 17 & I've had her for 15 of those years. Seems just like yesterday that she was having puppies in my car at a truck stop in Sealy - how redneck is that?!?!

Now, I'm off to go trap up the neighbor cow so he can take her home & then get Sugar to the vet for her last treatment. It is a beautiful crisp morning & I'm gonna go get me some of it.
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1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about Sugar! I hope she has a full recovery. I have made your blog my homepage!! I love keeping up with you and the pictures are wonderful too! I did a little 'oops' the first time and it just saved one page...I was getting a little disappointed I didn't see any updates! I got that fixed now though! That camper looks great and maybe you can teach me how to shoot one day! Love ya girl!
