Friday, March 25, 2011

What a Day!

It starts off so nicely - help WB with the electric gate opener, get him packed & stuff stowed away in the camper for the big shoot & off from the house with camper in tow on time. Easy drive to the park, had some lunch, did some small grocery shopping & then set up the camper before heading back to the ranch for the evening. I'm almost home when I get a call that we have a calf that isn't doing well. Can't seem to find her mother & she is very weak.
After trying to feed her some warm milk to no avail, it was pack her up & run into the vet's office. They filled her belly with warm colostrum & gave her some antibiotics. She rode in the front passenger seat of the truck like she'd been doing it her whole life. So cute. She is now in a little makeshift pen in the yard to I can keep an eye on her. We found her mother & she has an awful case of mastitis which is why baby is so weak. Baby can't eat!! started at 12:48am which is the time that Sugar started waking me up & has had me up off & on since then. I gave up around 3:30 & turned on the coffee pot. Ugh! She's now sleeping quite soundly & lord only knows when I'll get to sleep tonight.
Before I can even think of sleep, Jack & I have to get all the cows up, sort off momma, doctor her udder & reunite baby with momma. Mary is going to run to town to get the medicine while we take care of the cow work. Once all of that is done, it is get cleaned up, packed up & head to Houston for the weekend. Sugar is going to stay in Houston this week because I am going to go insane if I don't get some sleep!
The top picture is of my sweet bull boys. They were out grazing so nicely yesterday morning & looked quite happy to be munching grass. The lower picture is of our little patient. She has been so good & Dog has been keeping an eye on her all night. He's been an awesome babysitter. Now, if I could just teach him to keep watch over Sugar & get her to go to sleep!!
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