Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Weekend Fun

Had a great weekend in H-town.  Got my hair cut- yea!!!   The company & margaritas at El Patio were awesome!!  The only thing was all the freaking kids.  Not little ones who can't help it.  These were big kids & there were lots of them.  After one of them bumped my chair for the 5th+ time, I kindly asked that he stop playing near our table.  After he nearly ran into our waiter, I firmly asked him to watch out & to go sit at his table.  When he was standing on a chair & disrupting 3 tables, I flagged down Mom.  She was oblivious!  I'm thinking with a kid like that, she needed the margarita more than I did!  Hell - make the kid drink one!! (Not really y'all, but surely the thought crosses the mind, yes???)  Also makes me glad that I don't have kids as I would surely have spanked that child right in the middle of the restaurant.  Of course, my kid would also know that their entire world would be over if they ever even thought about acting like that in a restaurant!
Play on Saturday was great - Into The Woods.  Cinderella & Little Red Riding Hood were perfect parts for our cousins & they were wonderful!  HITS is a really special acting program for kids & I've watched the girls just get better & better over the years.  I should probably start getting their autographs now!  They sing & dance & know all their lines.  Heck, I can barely walk & talk most days & am surely falling down if there is gum involved!  Harry Potter at the IMAX on Sunday to complete a really fun weekend.  Drove back to the ranch Monday morning to avoid the weekend & weekday traffic.  Works perfectly!
Above is a picture of my new stalkers.  The 3 ladies were in our group of little ones because they had gotten rather poorly out in the back.  They are so funny.  They will not herd up with the front herd.  They are their own herd & try to hang with their old herd which is hard since there are fences in the way.  Anytime they see me outside the house or barn, they come a running.  Of course, I do always give them some sort of snack.  That is why they are hanging around.  All 3 were wild as a march hare when we first got them up & now they follow me around like puppy dogs.  I can even touch their noses.  Of course, they think my fingers are range cubes!  When they got here, they wouldn't even eat from your hand much less let you touch them.  With a little more time & about 800lbs of range cubes, I could probably get them to let me actually touch them!  Guess it's a good thing I do have other stuff to do.

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