Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cows, Cows, Cows & a Donkey

Compared to most, today was not that crazy busy. After caring for the horses this morning, I spent the next few hours getting 5 bales of hay out to the cows & 1 bale for the horses. Everyone was quite happy to see the John Deere coming around the corner. They only tolerate me becuase I'm driving it!! Ruby got her shoes today for the trail ride next weekend, calves fed, side yard watered, dinner made & cleaned up & now to pack for Houston. Heading in early this week because Charlie & I are celebrating our 10th anniversary on Thursday. Can't wait for our dinner at Mo's. Being around all these cows makes me crave steak constantly!! Either that or I'm totally iron deficient.

We had a birthday today. Baby 37 was born late this afternoon. You'll be happy to know that mother & baby are doing well. As you can see, momma ain't to happy to have me that close to baby. I was in the Kubota as I'm not daft enough to get that close on foot! Still, I'm not sure I could get away fast enough if those horns were after me.
Here are a couple of little cuties. Those ears are ginormous. With the right wind, they might actually take flight. Can't wait until they are a little older & braver so I can pet them & teach them all about range cubes & how awesome it is to have that little spot between their ear & horn scratched! Oh & under the chin too. That's always a sweet spot. I have two older ones who will practically knock me down or stalk me to get those scratches.
My helper Donkey Hody on the evening run to check on 37 & baby. Danged old Hody snorted all over me, kept trying to bite me & almost got away with one of my gloves not once, but twice! Such a pillbert if ever was one. He's so funny though & cute. Just can't get mad at that guy.
MILK - it's what's for dinner. This was a difficult shot to get as I had to shoot over Honey & Hody while they were trying to bite my knee & steal my glove! Rascals!!
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1 comment:

  1. I love reading about your days! and the pictures are just awesome! How 'bout some of the yard!!
