Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all the brave men & women whose service provides me with a safe home. My gratitiude extends to all past, present & future Veterans.

My two long-eared friends have been stalking me. For some reason, they think I always have treats for them. That & since they are donkeys, they just like to bite stuff. Gotta make sure to keep all my appendages in tact when these two are around. Donkey Hody is on the left & on the right is Miss Honey.

I tried to match pictures of cows to cows with missing ear tags yesterday. Was able to get a few, but the cow mug book ended in 2005 & we have had a bunch of calves in the past 5 years. We'll now try to get back on track with the mug book. I know it drives the accounting folks crazy that we have missing cows on the inventory. Some may have just lost their ear tags. Others may be dead or decided the grass really was greener on the other side of the fence. Either way, we need to get those who are lost off the inventory.

Hope all have a wonderful day. Regardless of you political opinions, please remember to give thanks to any & all Veterans you see today. If not for them, we would not be enjoying the vast comforts of our free nation.
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1 comment:

  1. Those donkeys are so cute, love those big ears!!
