Monday, November 8, 2010

Reap What You Sow

Super fun start to the day.  The Kubota had a flat tire!  After running around & getting the air compressor, airing up the tire, driving the Kubota to the shop & jacking it up, removing the tire & finding all the leaks in it, we finally got to start the day!  Kubota still out of commission as the tire was too riddled with holes to try to patch ourselves.  Since we were heading in to town to pick up a spreader loaded with fertilizer, rye & oat seed, we dropped off the tire for repair.

We have 2 areas fully planted with the rye & oat seed.  Praying for more rain so it will all germinate & sprout.  We are all ready for another spreader full of seed & fertilizer tomorrow, but there is still plenty of discing (tilling the soil) to be done first.  Am sure it will all get done.  Maybe at some point I'll get to drive the tractor.  I used to use our old one all the time, but am not as proficient with the new one we have.  Was standing on the back of it & there is something about the smell of a John Deere that just brings back a lot of really cool childhood memories.  Mostly memories of climbing all over the tractor, like a personal jungle gym, while Daddy worked in his workshop.  Maybe that is why the smell triggers such strong memories for me.  He loved it because we couldn't break anything & we were out from under-foot while he was working.

Once back home, which took forever since we could only drive 40mph on the back roads with a nearly 3 ton load, we were finally able to get truly started with our day.  We managed to get the last 3 mommas trapped up.  There is still 1 baby left & he/she will probably be standing at the gate bawling its little brains out to get to momma in the morning.  Maybe we'll have the neighbors 2 cuckoo cows & calf caught up too.

Drove out back to check our property line fences.  So far so good with all the net wire fencing - NO HOGS!!!  Those miserable animals tear up the fences & pasture.  They aren't even that good to eat which is why they are about as useful as mice & I'm not talking about Cinderella's mice - that is a fairy tale people!!  Real mice don't sing nor sew you a party dress for the ball.  They might poop on your dress & shred it up for their little mouse condo!!  :-)

I am just about give out for the day & am off to try to read at least one whole page of my book before I fall asleep.  Night night all. 
Oh wait though - I have some cute pictures to post of the dogs sharing a plate & Daddy feeding our most handsome bull, Tracy (he was born on June 13th which is trece in Spanish & so his name became Tracy - aren't you glad you know that???!!)

1 comment:

  1. 40% chance of rain on Friday and 30% chance through the weekend, so it looks like y'all planted just in time!
