Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cold, Cold, Cold

Did someone transplant Texas into the Arctic Circle or something??? The feels like 24 degrees yesterday morning made me feel like not getting out of bed! Alas, I could not do so. After suiting up to look like Randy from The Christmas Story or Kenny from South Park, off I went to get momma 198 in the pens so we could doctor on her. Momma & baby are still doing well, but would really like baby to be able to nurse all 4 quarters the udder.
The horses are getting to be funny in that they are waiting for their breakfast in the morning & waiting for me in the evening to be let back in the stalls for their dinner. That is the picture at the bottom - Leo & Ruby watching me put a little feed in the bottom of their buckets with hay on top. Extra funny was that they all knocked the hay out of the bucket to get to the feed first & then ate their hay.
I took some new pictures of Ruby. She is just so beautiful! I can't believe that she's mine & was just given to me. WB was sweet. He told me to order/get a new bridle or whatever I wanted for her. One minute he hates that we have horses & the other he's giving them treats. I guess we all need something to complain about &, in his case, it may as well be horses.
After my morning of cow doctoring, horse herding, putting out hay & mineral for the cows, it was lunch time. I sincerely tried to work on the cattle inventory after lunch, but I had a killer headache & was so sleepy that I just had to take a little nap. Sugar does love a nap & snuggled right under the covers.
I did get the inventory finished last night though with the exception of a few tweaks to the spreadsheets. Since I don't have Excel on my computer, I have to do it on WB's computer. I also started on my appetizers for the family Epiphany party this weekend. Looking forward to seeing the Poole clan.
Today will be a repeat of yesterday except we are heading into town to pick up Pepe from the 4-wheeler doctor. The gas leak was caused by a gas dump screw in the carburetor that came loose. Told the guy at the repair shop that I'd like to be able to check on it. I'm no mechanic, but I think I can handle turning a screw to make sure that I don't have gas leaking all over the place!!
More coffee, bundling up & then gonna get out there & get me some of this wintry day.
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1 comment:

  1. Ruby is a beauty- can't wait to meet her!!!! luv ya & miss ya too! :)
